[–] SyriansAreTerrorists 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

If voting actually changed anything, the jews wouldn't let us do it

[–] TNQuilter18 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

I agree censorship on Social media is a problem also censored search results.

[–] obvious_throwaway1 [S] 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

All censorship is a problem. Freedom is not free.

[–] TNQuilter18 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

I agree and many have died to keep us free.

[–] 30MagazineClip 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

[–] Yuke 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

They're tools of the deep state just as politicians and political parties are.

[–] NoisyCricket 0 points (+0|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

Understand that these companies are all Deep State. Literally, the CIA created Facebook and Google. Google is basically an arm of DARPA. When Google or Facebook censors you it's literally the Deep State and the government censoring you.


[–] obvious_throwaway1 [S] 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

All tech monopolies are allowed to be monopolies because they serve an important function - they are the loophole the US Government CORPORATION uses to violate the US constitution against the citizenry. It's censorship by proxy.

[–] NoisyCricket 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

they are the loophole the US Government CORPORATION uses to violate the US constitution against the citizenry. It's censorship by proxy.

You are 100% correct. Thusly the importance of the NDAA and "Russian bots" everywhere. By declaring someone is a "Russian bot", under the terms of the NDAA, these corporations become legally protected. Likewise, when the CIA or FBI tells these companies to censor someone the unconstitutional action suddenly becomes legally sheltered.

It absolutely is censorship by proxy.

If I had my way your post would be pinned. Understanding this fact is paramount to understanding the role these companies play in our demise.